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3-hour Project Night

Co-working time to build projects

  1. 3-hour Project Night #3

    3hpn #3 done! …

  2. Get location notifications

    Last week, Maureen suggested an email that would announce where 3-hour Project Night is going to be that week. 3hpn is on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays and the location announcement will go out on the Sunday or Monday or before (two emails/month). …

  3. 3-hour Project Night #2

    3hpn #2 done! …

  4. 3-hour Project Night #2: Jaho in DTX

    The next 3hpn will be on 8 March 2017 at Jaho in Chinatown from 6-9p. …

  5. 3-hour Project Night #1

    The first 3hpn was great and I’m excited to keep it going for at least for myself, but also for whoever else wants to join up. I’m testing out a little writeup of what happened with this post and although it probably won’t scale, it could be cool to see a record for how this goes for now. Here goes nothing! …

  6. What is 3-hour Project Night?

    3-hour project night is space and time for people building projects to co-work. It’s basically a meetup but for people who want to work alongside other people pushing to produce something within the 3-hour time limit. …