a renga for alternative futures
26 Apr 2019earlier this year (feb), my alternative futures accomplice (grant williams) and i wrote a renga (instructions on renga writing here) as a step towards producing our futurist manifesto. the ‘festo is still on the way, but here’s the poem.
is time linear?
maybe it is circular
either way, we’re now
Ancestors in training, speak
Wildest dreams fit for grandkids
back and forward, reach
for whose dreams are we fit from?
we aren't only ours
All runs through us, one river
Be like water, shape oceans
flowing constantly
space, a tool for our best work
time, an illusion
Space:Time asks to be molded
We Bend the arc towards our dreams
when moonlight reveals
those deepest wishes unknown
tremble at their strength
infinity's long power
brought to bear within our wishes
What weight can be freed
As wings lift, the veil falls free,
No myth unshaken
yet if freedom is commitment
where might (un)caged birds fly but home
Your mothers arms knew
What futures your ribs contained
Encrypted marrow
every birth holds life anew
ashes to flesh, dust to bone
New worlds incarnate
Fingertips spark galaxies
Best days yet to come
begin with the mind
manifest with the body
confirm with the heart