this is a hard moment

this is a hard moment.

it just is.

some of the things that make this moment hard: hong kong just delayed it’s election by a year. 45 is obviously (and probably in so many other secret ways) preparing to disrupt this election season. whether or not he explicitly intervenes on the election, the doubt he is casting on the democratic process (with plenty of help from foreign and non-state forces) will undermine whichever way it goes. there seems to be a high likelihood of violence (given that there is already a lot of violence, from police, secret forces, and armed miltias gearing up all over the country). we are living in a pandemic which our government (compared to other governments who we presumed to be in a league with) is thorough botching care for american citizens (even the most privileged ones). our economy is rough shape at best.

and there is so much more.

this is a hard moment.

and LOTS of us are running from just being with this truth.

we are reacting in all sorts of ways: writing articles, retweeting and reposting everything, organizing, fighting our neighbors and loved ones, drowning ourselves in television, and more.

nothing is wrong with actions… once we have fully felt the hardness of this moment. but if we take those actions before feeling the moment, all of it is only partly informed.

in what ways are you running from just feeling the hardness of this moment? what practices do you have to be with the difficulty of these times? are y/our patterns of analyzing and acting (to the exclusion of holding the feelings) avoidance?

ps - s/o to AM and BG for the hamilton watch party that lead to this blog post. love you!

words / writing / post-processing
277w / 11min / min