resources: thankstaking & indigenous peoples

back in early november, my friend, andrew, asked me if i had any resources on how to talk about thankstaking with his kiddo, my nibbling, francis. i instantly knew who to reach out to… kathy lebrón! when i texted for resources to share with andrew who is parenting a 6yo, she was like “oh, this is gonna need to be an email!”

after the day passed, i realized this lil treasure trove was/is too good to have just a couple inboxes. so here it is! thanks, kathy, for knowing and sharing your knowledge. thanks, andrew, for wanting to teach your kiddo something better.

if you want to see more from kathy, check out @comadres_liberadas.

Hey lawrence!

Here are a few resources centered around unlearning colonial narratives and centering Indigenous peoples with young people.

Framing the conversations

Hope this helps!

words / writing / post-processing