sabbatical reflections: setting the scene

so my sabbatical was on the coast of maine at a place the current stewards call dickinson’s reach. it is originally passamaquoddy land and the arc towards access and stewardship that includes them has begun. there are two primary ways to get to it. one is to park at a small lot and walk a 1.5 mile trail in. the other is to take a canoe or small boat from a little launch called duck cove. it is the most remote place i ever had done an extended stay.


sabbatical reflections: fear

one of the biggest things that happened for me while away was getting to work with my fear!


sabbatical reflections

important preface!: i thought i was going to write this whole post at once and then realized i needed to write it in chunks in order to not be overwhelmed by it. and then i realized it made the most sense to write it in separate pieces with separate titles rather than filling in the outline chunk by chunk. so what you’re about to read is the first chunk with a little pre-amble and the outline. and then from here, i’ll write the other separate pieces. it’s disjointed but i’m a big fan of ‘done is better than perfect.’ here we go!


fall 2023 sabbatical

starting in mid-september, i am taking 4 weeks off!


book review: king warrior magician lover: rediscovering the archetypes of the mature masculine

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine by Robert L. Moore, Doug Gillette