grief thoughts on the first anniversary of caden's passing

  • the time is now to start telling my family and close friends all the things i want to tell them. why wait?
  • i want to set up hang dates with my nibblings asap
  • it’s time to set up hang outs with all my friends and friend groups
  • why is everything so dusty all of a sudden?!
  • caden is my first nibbling lost. idk how i didn’t think about that as i’ve been committing myself to them but of course some of them will transition before me. oof. what a devastating thought. i can’t tell if this will impact how many nibblings i want to commit myself to but it definitely makes each commitment feel more weighty. signing on to responsibility for a nibbling means signing on to the possibility that they might die before me and then i will have to grieve them. (on the flipside, i guess by committing myself to them, if i have an impact on their lives and then i die first, they will have to grieve me… hm! what a conundrum…)

book review: healing resistance by kazu haga

Healing Resistance: A Radically Different Response to Harm by Kazu Haga


unleashing alternative futures: hard things


why i don't do RFPs

my first consulting gig was in 2014. (sidenote: looking back at it, i undercharged by approximately one million percent. :’D)


collection of group agreements

group agreements are a key tool for facilitators. in general, i prefer to build agreements with a group of people. that said, over time i’ve found a few lists that i really like. i’m sharing them here mostly for my own easy access but also i ncase they’re useful for others to see/have.