book review: radical friendship by kate johnson

Radical Friendship: Seven Ways to Love Yourself and Find Your People in an Unjust World by Kate Johnson


book review: coaching: evoking excellence in others by james flaherty

Coaching: Evoking Excellence In Others by James Flaherty


some thoughts on texting during LA's current fire apocalypse

dear nadav and mikaela,


therapy to prepare for parenting

last week i had an excellent session with my therapist (hi, phil!) that explored the possibility of being in therapy for the purpose of supporting my parenting. for the record, i don’t have any children “of my own,” though i have a number of nibblings who i love and care for. but over the last year and half or so, i have been clear that i do want to try to parent.


resources: thankstaking & indigenous peoples

back in early november, my friend, andrew, asked me if i had any resources on how to talk about thankstaking with his kiddo, my nibbling, francis. i instantly knew who to reach out to… kathy lebrón! when i texted for resources to share with andrew who is parenting a 6yo, she was like “oh, this is gonna need to be an email!”