book review: zen spirit, christian spirit by robert e. kennedy

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

What are the main ideas?

If I implemented one idea from this book right now, which one would it be?

when confused about a particularity of christianity, see if an approach from buddhism, zen buddhism particularly, can shed some light. the contradictions and paradoxes that fill zen buddhism can be helpful to break through the imperial linearity of our current-day christianity.

How would I describe the book to a friend?

this book is a wild ride. koans, quotes, poetry, and deep thoughts tumble one over another in this tiny but packed text. this book is broken into 4 parts: part I which is the intro explainer text (what is christianity, what is buddhism, what is zen, what do they have to do either each), parts II and IV, which i don’t totally understanad their functions, and part III, which, imho, is the gold. kennedy (sensei?) takes 20+ topics and for each, devotes a chapter (a few pages each), to show how zen (and other traditions) could illuminate that aspect of christianity. it’s brilliant. topics show up like: christ, merit, good intentions, no mind, holiness, liturgy, and more. if i come back to this book, it’ll be to reread the koan, poetry, and insights in these chapters.

reminder: book review structure

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321w / 20min / ?min