2022 honor tax commitment

this blog post comes out of a coaching session with melissa alcala. thank you, melissaaaaaaa!

as a part of my coach training in the 9-month cohort program of coaching for healing, justice, and liberation, we talk a lot about resource interdependence and also about decolonization. we talk at length about how the present of not-so-united states (NSUS) exists as an aftereffect of attempted (and ongoing) indigenous genocide (among other things, like chattel slavery).

unless you are on living ancestral lands that you belong to, you are implicated in this attempted genocide.

which means i am implicated.


for years now, but especially over the last year, i’ve been thinking about what that implication implies. what does that implication mean for me? and should i do, if anything, about it? how do i take responsibility for something i did not choose or cause but could have a role in tending to?

here is where right relationship comes in.

reading braiding sweetgrass and decolonizing wealth transformed my thoughts about money and economy. i think my thinking at that point was already pretty radical so those next two transformations were like woah. without getting into all the details, i can summarize the two shifts like this:

so! what does all this mean?

it means i am stepping into an individual honor tax for indigenous communities on the land i live on. in search of right relationship, my commitment:

i will give at least 1% of all of the money i make in 2022 to indigenous-led organizing, healing, or culture work (i recognize those are constructed/false distinctions but they are helpful for me for now). i will write this commitment into all of my contracts. i will calculate this number by 31 jan 2023 and commit to moving the money by 23 feb 2023.

some beliefs/things i know about this already:

questions, comments, concerns are all welcome.

24 feb 2023 update

i landed on donating to native land conservancy. my contribution was $1,498.57 and i donated this morning. i’m a day late!

words / writing / post-processing
535w / 20min / 5min