more thinking: emergence, spontaneity, randomness, and impulsivity

back in 2020, i wrote about the difference between emergence and spontaneity. since then, iā€™ve thought about these two ideas a bit more and two other words have come into my thinking: randomness and impulsivity.

here are my personal definitions of these words. theyā€™re informed by the definitions of others but definitely my own. iā€™m also defining them each narrowly in the context of people taking actions. there are ways these terms can apply to groups and non-actions, but thatā€™s just not what iā€™m talking about here:

phew! thereā€™s more to say about these but for now i gotta get the rest of my morning routine moving! part 2 coming soonā€¦ or somedayā€¦ i hopeā€¦ šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø

ps - this post was inspired by two different conversations, one with nisha, and one with david. thanks for your thought and convo partnership. :)

some resources iā€™ve read/skimmed on spontaneous vs impulsive:

words / writing / post-processing
255w / 12min / 4min