sabbatical reflections: integration

so the idea of integration comes from my single or multi-day spiritual experiences. the gist of the idea is simple (and the following version of integration is largely from gibrán. here’s some writing of his that mentions integration but it’s not the entirety of where the thinking comes from):


sabbatical reflections: coming back online

the process of coming back to my life after sabbatical was as hard, if not harder, than the process of going offline! and that’s wild because i thought the process of going offline was one of the hardest things i’ve ever done.


book review: the art of receiving and giving: the wheel of consent

The Art of Receiving and Giving: The Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin


what is 'enough' when you're working for justice?

this feels a bit like an unthinkable thought but i’m gonna think it out loud and hope to not get destroyed.


cohabitation experimentation

at some point last year, me and my partner, david, decided that we wanted to start moving towards living together. but we wanted to do figure it out in a way that felt good to us and our partners. so we decided to do some experimentation! i can’t remember which one of us threw out the idea to do an experiment and it doesn’t really matter because experimentation is my middle name so i was pumped.