jobs automation and the future of work
- notes from on being interview with agustín fuentes
- what does it mean to be human?
- on being - gregory orr
- on being with eugene peterson (part 4): on prayer and the (dangerous) search for transcendence
- on being with eugene peterson (part 3): on words
- on being with eugene peterson (part 2): on poetry
- on being with eugene peterson (part 1): the prophets were poets!
- more, less brief reflections from the on being gathering (part 3)
- more, less brief reflections from the on being gathering (part 2)
- more, less brief reflections from the on being gathering
- brief reflections from the on being gathering
- solnit: history is more like the weather than checkers
- solnit: why do we love certainty more than hope?
- solnit on openings: we don't always win, but we also don't always lose
- gumbs & solnit: time travel and nonlinearity
- solnit: people live and die by stories
- solnit: there's no such thing as a disaster
- on the problems of masculinity: how lack of emotional awareness is connected to impoverished decision making
- ellen langer on mindlessness, mindfulness, and business
- daniel kahneman: experiencing self vs remembering self
- daniel kahneman: overconfidence is about lack of imagination
- junot díaz: on generative definitions of community and radical hope
- junot díaz: on hyperconsumption and the invisibility and under-prioritization of inner work in american culture
- atul gawande: the magic of human limits and limitlessness
- junot díaz: what links climate change denial and toxic masculinity? fear of vulnerability
- bateson: on love and difference
- bateson: nucleated cells & narratives of competition versus cooperation
- matthieu ricard: transform yourself to better serve others
- matthieu ricard: happiness is compatible with sadness
- matthieu ricard: the false dichotomy between spirituality and discovery
- lyndsey stonebridge: the proper response to a political culture of lying
- stonebridge on arendt on st. augustine's notions of love
- martin sheen on true freedom and community
- matthieu ricard: being happy in isolation simply doesn't make sense
- infantilization, risk (in)tolerance, the western electorate, and mit
- sometimes it's not yet time to write something
- lyndsey stonebridge on hannah arendt: why bureaucracy won't work
- lyndsey stonebridge: evil is the inability to hear another voice
- bessel van der kolk: heart stress hormones give us the energy to move forward
- bessel van der kolk: how mindfulness helps us deal with trauma
- bessel van der kolk: on victims and collective memory
- bessel van der kolk: on emdr and powerful eyes
- bessel van der kolk: on individual and collective trauma
- bessel van der kolk: on the post-alcoholism and disembodiment of the west
- bessel van der kolk: the impacts of trauma lodging in the body
- multiculturalism and the idea that all life is interaction
- pádraig ó tuama and carlo rovelli on here
- carlo rovelli: things versus happenings
- pádraig ó tuama on understanding: sectarianism is belonging gone bad (part 4)
- pádraig ó tuama on understanding: the interrelationship between private and public life (part 3)
- pádraig ó tuama on understanding: understanding doesn't mean agreeing (part 2)
- pádraig ó tuama on understanding: "most of the time" (part 1)
- marilyn nelson on magic, alliances, and God
- james martin on falling in love while being in a religious order
- on escaping yourself: why adultery and "finding yourself" by traveling don't work
- alain de botton on loving our lovers more like children
- james martin on being holy
- james martin on Jesus and the commercialization of christmas
- isabel wilkerson and 12 generations
- why anger is so bad and how mindfulness could be a solution
- hope: radical, daring, dangerous
- on the value of a working hypothesis
- meditation is like muddy water settling
- spirituality: practice over belief
- book review: radical friendship by kate johnson
- book review: coaching: evoking excellence in others by james flaherty
- book review: the new saints — from broken hearts to spiritual warriors by lama rod owens
- book review: the art of receiving and giving: the wheel of consent by betty martin
- book review: anger: wisdom for cooling the flames by thich nhat hanh
- book review: king warrior magician lover: rediscovering the archetypes of the mature masculine
- book review: burnout: the secret to unlocking the stress cycle
- book review: the body keeps the score by bessel van der kolk
- book review: until we reckon by danielle sered
- book review: good strategy, bad strategy by richard rumelt
- book review: rest is resistance by tricia hersey
- book review: the communist manifesto by karl marx & friedrich engels
- book review: captive genders: trans embodiment and the prison industrial complex
- book review: the compassion book
- book review: amusing ourselves to death by neil postman
- book review: healing resistance by kazu haga
- book review: america's racial karma by larry ward
- book review: centering prayer by m. basil pennington
- book review: no bad parts by richard schwartz
- book review: the nonprofit strategy revolution
- book review: the creation of patriarchy by gerda lerner
- book review: essentialism by greg mckeown
- book review: set boundaries, find peace by nedra glover tawwab
- book review: zen spirit, christian spirit by robert e. kennedy
- book review: mindset by carol dweck
- book review: an indigenous peoples' history of the united states by roxanne dunbar-ortiz
- book review: i feel your pain by niki elliot
- book review: the social profit handbook by david grant
- book review: holding change by adrienne maree brown
- book review: impact networks by david ehrlichman
- book review: the smell of rain on dust
- book review: undrowned
- book review: mushroom wisdom
- book review: a world without email
- book review: we do this til we free us
- book review: the pocket thich nhat hanh
- book review: how we show up: reclaiming family, friendship, and community by mia birdsong
- book review: the drama of the gifted child by alice miller
- book review: on death and dying by elisabeth kübler-ross
- book review: african religions by jacob k. olupona
- book review: love and rage by lama rod owens
- book review: how to do nothing by jenny o'dell
- book review: the art of war by sun tzu
- book review: we will not cancel us by adrienne maree brown
- book review: the practice by seth godin
- book review: how long 'til black future month?
- book review: beyond survival
- book review: the next american revolution by grace lee boggs
- book review: the wild edge of sorrow by francis weller
- book review: the next american revolution by grace lee boggs
- book review: race talk and the conspiracy of silence
- book review: long way down
- book review: fumbling towards repair: a workbook for community accountability facilitators
- book review: care work: dreaming disability justice
- book review: the inward journey
- book review: are prisons obsolete
- book review: the miracle of mindfulness
- book review: post traumatic slave syndrome
- book review: how your story sets you free
- book review: my grandmother's hands
- book review: homegoing
- book review: pleasure activism
- book review: braiding sweetgrass
- book review: barracoon: the story of the last "black cargo"
- book review: conflict is not abuse by sarah schulman
- book review: of water and the spirit: ritual, magic, and initiation in the life of an african shaman
- book review: the power by naomi alderman
- book reviews: you are not a gadget, harriet tubman: conductor on the underground railroad, killing and dying: stories, the dispossessed
- book reviews: chronicle of a death foretold and betty-anne's helpful household hints, volume 2
- book reviews: binti and patternmaster
- book reviews: when my brother was an aztec and the souls of black folk
- book reviews: kindred and the future
- book notes: the velvet rage: overcoming the pain of growing up gay in a straight man’s world
salvation: black people and love
personal branding
random train encounters
weak ties and strong ties
shadow calendar
free and open source
andrew binet
andrea nagel
atul gawande
ethan rowland
of water and the spirit
shadow work
my grandmother's hands