now what lawrence is up to


Right now I’m…

  • traveling and/or offline a lot:
    • personal retreat 31 dec 2018 - 5 jan 2019. secret location in boston.
    • css staff retreat 6-12 jan. SF, oakland, and santa cruz.
    • facilitation gig and visit to old mentees 16-21 jan. denver, co.
    • facilitation gig and visit to place of ancestor 23-26 jan. charleston, sc.
  • the above travel means i’m not really doing anything other than working, traveling, rituals, and trying to keep my life together.
  • changing the structure of my now page so that i can make updates more regularly instead of feeling like i’ll have to update allllll these things. i think that means i need to separate my habits into a page and what i’m consuming onto a different page.
  • getting ready to dive head-first into phase 2 of the formation project (link with detail coming soon).
  • learning so much about tarot.
  • trying to see if i can copy alex soto’s now page template…

but i couldn’t resist a few quick reading updates:

  • binti: the night masquerade
  • difficult conversations
  • a friend’s book draft (!!!)
  • the fifth season

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