now what lawrence is up to


Right now I’m…

  • flying back to boston from paris from the longest vacation i’ve ever taken (10 days yall!)
  • working at mit community innovator’s lab (colab) as the program director of community media & executive editor for colab radio
  • starting to use the selfjournal my friend, kendra, gifted me
  • doing my first mid-year august reflection (which is a blend of chris gillebeau’s annual review and the selfjournal structures)
  • prepping for a fall, four-week offering of my personal storytelling for social change workshop
  • running two online book clubs, one for pedagogy of the oppressed, and another fledging (pun!) one on octavia butler’s xenogenesis trilogy (video debrief here).
  • still trying to make sure that i end 2018 with a clear list of mentors, mentees, woes, and schemers
  • running my weekly newsletter as monthly during the summer because that makes more sense with my life rhythms
  • prepping for my first workshop in my evolutionary leadership project about ending the patriarchy by learning from the future
  • still holding a monthly ga(y)me day on ~the last saturday of each month (next one is 18 aug)


habits i’m building

  • daily:
    • pushups and situps to exhaustion
    • drink 48 oz of water
    • write down one lie i told
    • using my selfjournal
    • plantar fasciitis foot stretches
    • sirasana (5 mins)
  • weekly:
    • strength train and run (3x/week)
  • monthly:
    • take a tech sabbath (2x/month)

habits i’ve built

  • daily:
    • meditate for 20 mins
    • blogging is on hold while i work on my book draft,
    • writing a poem (mostly haiku but occasionally extended haiku or free verse)
    • imagining the world i want for 1 minute (inspired by donna harati),
    • morning pages (just one page per day)
  • weekly:
    • meditate for 60 minutes (1x/week)



slow reads/on hold

listening to:

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