2024 intention: be like water (in all its forms)

as i am wrapping up my annual reflection retreat, i wanted to write up my 2024 intention. well, at this point it’s still a draft but i think it’s pretty close to where it’ll land.


fasting for gaza

back in december, i came across a fast for gaza post on social media and i was struck immediately. i joined for the first one on thursday, dec XX and since then, i’ve done it 4 out of 5 times (i missed one week due to sheer negligence and forgetfulness, it happens!). i have gotten a small amount of pushback and mostly affirmation or curiosity about it. so here i am writing about my personal reasons and stance for fasting.


grieve, even as things are getting better

at some point in late 2023, i was coaching and stumbled on a simple, but juicy insight: grief can be present even if you’re going from a good thing to an even better thing.


a couple thoughts on doing hybrid retreats

covid has continued to become more and more like the flu in the way that we deal with it. but it’s not all the way there yet and so some people are still quite hesitant to doing in-person gatherings and events. additionally, since the pandemic started and has waned, people are just way more open and even demanding of events being hybrid more often. there are probably other factors to the increasing frequency of hybrid convenings, but at least in the work arena that i can see, hybrid gatherings seem here to stay (at least for a while).


when the person who caused harm is no longer around

last year, i faciliated a two-day in-person BIPOC retreat and one of the topics that came up was (surprise surprise) harm. the particular type of harm this situation was emotional, psychological, and financial harm caused by one staff member to several other staffers. and the kicker was that the person who caused the harm (pwch) was no longer working at the organization. this raised the question in the room about what to do when the person who caused harm is no longer present.